tirsdag 13. juli 2010

mymediadb.org a free service for managing your media library.

Exactly what is MyMediaDB?

MyMediaDB (mmDB) is a free service for managing your physical and digital media. Create your own media collection of movies, series, books or music and share it with your friends. Its a great tool to keep track of what books you have read. Which tv series you have seen. What movies you have watched and what music you own.

I am the co developer of mmDB and a few days ago we released a preview version of the site. its still riddled with bugs  as its nothing more than a prototype of the final version. The preview version for now, only contains functionality involving movies. You can check the bugtracker for the development progress within tv series, books and music. Our first priority is to get movie and core functionality up and running at an acceptable quality.

If you would like to help us in our effort in creating a online media library solution, please join us in our forum and/or help us submit bug reports and feature requests

2 kommentarer:

  1. What happened to your forum ? I've just seen the news, but not many details.

  2. As it turns out, my domain name to the forum expired so no requests using the domain name were being passed along to the server. And now im doing some spring cleaning on the server, so the forum and development environment should be up in a few days.
